Senior Snacking: The Winning Social Listening Queries
In June, we challenged fifty social listening professionals to write the best Boolean query they could on seniors and snacking in the first Social Listening Query Writing Competition. We revealed Natália Leão and Raymond Lematta as the winners – but what exactly did their queries look like? In this post, we share the background to the competition and the winning queries.
The Brief
Query Question: Seniors and snacking. We want to you to build a query that will help us understand how people +60yrs talk about snacking. Who they are, what they believe in, and how they consume snacks between meals. Who are they with? What are they doing when they snack?
Date Range: 1 year
Markets: US and UK
Age Range: 60+ and upwards.
Additional Scoping Criteria:
• No children living at home (i.e., especially their own, if not of age).
• Can include hot drinks (tea, coffee, hot chocolate, infusion) and milk-based drinks but not alcohol or fizzy drinks/sodas.
• Relevant comments should mention first-hand accounts of food consumption, even in passing (e.g., “I’m watching this video while sipping tea”).
• No news / RT / promotional material (e.g., brands selling a specific product), unless it is a ‘verified’ person promoting a product.
• No main meals (e.g breakfast, lunch or dinner).
The Scoring
How did we judge for the best query? Firstly, everyone used the same platform – YouScan. The Boolean is written specifically for this platform! Secondly, in judging the queries and the data they returned, the team at Listen and Learn Research scored on the criteria below.
Relevancy Rate: the percentage of comments stemming from your query that matches the criteria set out in the research question.
Breadth: the total number of comments, calculated as the total number of comments returned from the query over the last month x the relevancy rate.
Natália Leão’s Winning Query
((("I'll be" OR "I will be" OR I /1 turn OR "I'm" OR "I am" OR "as a" OR "at my age") /1 ("60 " OR "61" OR "62" OR "63" OR "64" OR "65" OR "66" OR "67" OR "68" OR "69" OR "70" OR "71" OR "72" OR "73" OR "74" OR "75" OR "76" OR "77" OR "78" OR "79" OR "80" OR "81" OR "82" OR "83" OR "84" OR "85" OR "86" OR "87" OR "88" OR "89" OR "90" OR "91" OR "92" OR "93" OR "94" OR "95" OR ((sixty OR seventy OR eighty OR ninety) /0 (one OR two OR three OR four OR five OR six OR seven OR eight OR nine)))) OR ("in my" /1 (60s OR 70s OR 80s OR sixties OR seventies OR eighties)) OR (I /4 (60 OR 61 OR 62 OR 63 OR 64 OR 65 OR 66 OR 67 OR 68 OR 69 OR 70 OR 71 OR 72 OR 73 OR 74 OR 75 OR 76 OR 77 OR 78 OR 79 OR 80 OR 81 OR 82 OR 83 OR 84 OR 85 OR 86 OR 87 OR 88 OR 89 OR 90 OR 91 OR 92 OR 93 OR 94 OR 95) /0 (yrs OR yr OR yo)) OR (I /4 ((sixty OR seventy OR eighty OR ninety) /0 (one OR two OR three OR four OR five OR six OR seven OR eight OR nine)) /0 (years /1 old)) OR ((I OR "as a") /2 ("senior citizen" OR "seasoned citizen" OR "my golden years" OR "silver surfer" OR "baby boomer" OR "proud elder" OR "mature netizen")) OR ((I /2 born) /1 (1963 OR 1962 OR 191 OR 1960 OR 1959 OR 1958 OR 1957 OR 1956 OR 1955 OR 1954 OR 1953 OR 1952 OR 1951 OR 1950 OR 1949 OR 1948 OR 1947 OR 1946 OR 1945 OR 1944 OR 1943 OR 1942 OR 1941 OR 1940 OR 1939 OR 1938 OR 1937 OR 1936 OR 1935 OR 1934 OR 1933 OR 1932 OR 1931 OR 1930)) OR (I /3 "retiree")) AND (snack OR between /2 meals OR ("treats" /10 (eat OR food OR munch OR nibble OR devour OR taste OR savor OR savour OR chew OR dip OR scoop OR indulge OR binge OR feast OR graze OR sip OR guzzle OR bite OR relish OR drink OR pick OR chimp OR bite OR healthy OR sweet OR frozen OR sugar OR eat OR bag OR vegan OR vegetarian OR keto) OR "to munch" OR "munching" OR "munch on" OR "munch away" OR #snack OR #snacktime OR #snacking OR #eveningsnack OR #munchies OR #healthysnacks OR (eat /5 (before /3 bed OR before /3 sleep OR after /3 dinner)) OR supper OR ((four OR five OR six OR seven OR 4 OR 5 OR 6 OR 7) /3 (meals /3 day)) OR (eat /2 (four OR five OR six OR seven OR 4 OR 5 OR 6 OR 7) /1 times) OR ((coffee OR tea OR nespresso OR nescafé) AND NOT (breakfast OR spilling /3 tea OR spit /2 tea OR tea /1 party)) OR ((coffee OR tea) /3 (just OR "of choice" OR only OR stick OR for OR instead OR substitute) /5 (breakfast OR lunch OR dinner)) OR ((espresso OR macchiato OR latte) AND NOT (makeup OR "make-up" OR #lattemakeup)) OR "hot chocolate" OR matcha OR "my beverage of choice" OR ((granola OR protein OR energy OR nut OR fruit OR oat OR cereal OR rice OR chocolate OR fiber OR seed OR health OR flapjacks OR paleo OR "no-bake" OR yoghurt OR yogurt) /1 bar) OR popcorn OR "pop corn" OR pretzels OR "trail mix" OR guacamole OR ((cheese OR fruit OR veggies OR vegetables OR antipasto OR charcuterie OR dip OR spreads OR mediterranean OR gourmet OR eat OR nuts) /2 platter) OR veggie /1 sticks OR gummies OR biscuit OR ((chips OR crips OR crackers OR Walkers) /1 (bag OR pack OR package OR box OR salsa OR dip OR portion)) OR icecream OR "ice cream" OR donuts OR macarons OR (chocolate AND NOT dessert) OR ((candies OR candy /1 bar OR gummies OR "jelly beans" OR jellybeans OR chew /1 gum) AND NOT ("candy shop" OR selling /1 candy OR "eye candy" OR "red candy"))) AND NOT (((60 OR 61 OR 62 OR 63 OR 64 OR 65 OR 66 OR 67 OR 68 OR 69 OR 70 OR 71 OR 72 OR 73 OR 74 OR 75 OR 76 OR 77 OR 78 OR 79 OR 80 OR 81 OR 82 OR 83 OR 84 OR 85 OR 86 OR 87 OR 88 OR 89 OR 90 OR 91 OR 92 OR 93 OR 94 OR 95) /3 (kid OR child OR OR lbs OR kg OR pounds OR dollars)) OR "60%" OR "61%" OR "62%" OR "63%" OR "64%" OR "65%" OR "66%" OR "67%" OR "68%" OR "69%" OR "70%" OR "71%" OR "72%" OR "73%" OR "74%" OR "75%" OR "76%" OR "77%" OR "78%" OR "79%" OR "80%" OR "81%" OR "82%" OR "83%" OR "84%" OR "85%" OR "86%" OR "87%" OR "88%" OR "89%" OR "90%" OR "91%" OR "92%" OR "93%" OR "94%" OR "95%" OR "96%" OR "97%" OR "98%" OR "99%" OR "100%" or "$60" OR "$61" OR "$62" OR "$63" OR "$64" OR "$65" OR "$66" OR "$67" OR "$68" OR "$69" OR "$70" OR "$71" OR "$72" OR "$73" OR "$74" OR "$75" OR "$76" OR "$77" OR "$78" OR "$79" OR "$80" OR "$81" OR "$82" OR "$83" OR "$84" OR "$85" OR "$86" OR "$87" OR "$88" OR "$89" OR "$90" OR "$91" OR "$92" OR "$93" OR "$94" OR "$95" OR "$96" OR "$97" OR "$98" OR "$99" OR "$100" OR "£60" OR "£61" OR "£62" OR "£63" OR "£64" OR "£65" OR "£66" OR "£67" OR "£68" OR "£69" OR "£70" OR "£71" OR "£72" OR "£73" OR "£74" OR "£75" OR "£76" OR "£77" OR "£78" OR "£79" OR "£80" OR "£81" OR "£82" OR "£83" OR "£84" OR "£85" OR "£86" OR "£87" OR "£88" OR "£89" OR "£90" OR "£91" OR "£92" OR "£93" OR "£94" OR "£95" OR "£96" OR "£97" OR "£98" OR "£99" OR "£100")) - http* -nasdaq -"White Snack" -"John Hershey's" -"Book challenge" -"movie challenge" -"music challenge"
Raymond Lematta’s Winning Query
((("im" OR "i'm" OR "i am" OR "as a" OR "as an" OR "turning" OR "to turn" OR approaching) /1 ("60" OR "61" OR "62" OR "63" OR "64" OR "65" OR "66" OR "67" OR "68" OR "69" OR "70" OR "71" OR "72" OR "73" OR "74" OR "75" OR "76" OR "77" OR "78" OR "79" OR "80" OR "81" OR "82" OR "83" OR "84" OR "85" OR "86" OR "87" OR "88" OR "89" OR "90" OR "91" OR "92" OR "93" OR "94" OR "95" OR "96" OR "97" OR "98" OR "99" OR elderly) AND NOT (60% OR 61% OR 62% OR 63% OR 64% OR 65% OR 66% OR 67% OR 68% OR 69% OR 70% OR 71% OR 72% OR 73% OR 74% OR 75% OR 76% OR 77% OR 78% OR 79% OR 80% OR 81% OR 82% OR 83% OR 84% OR 85% OR 86% OR 87% OR 88% OR 89% OR 90% OR 91% OR 92% OR 93% OR 94% OR 95% OR 96% OR 97% OR 98% OR 99%)) AND (snack OR snacking OR snacked OR "nibble" OR "munch on" OR "to eat" OR "to drink" OR "to sip" OR (("eat" OR "eating" OR "ate" OR "drink" OR "sip" OR "sipping on" OR crave OR craving "to have" OR "having") AND ("before dinner" OR "before lunch" OR "after lunch" OR "between lunch" OR "between breakfast" OR "before breakfast" OR "after breakfast" OR "between meals" OR "inbetween meals" OR "small meals"))) AND NOT (alcohol OR liquor OR beer OR wine OR vodka OR tequila OR whiskey OR whisky OR rum OR gin OR soda OR coke OR pepsi OR "soft drink" OR "fizzy drink" OR "a pop" OR "carbonated" OR seltzer OR cocktail OR "for breakfast" OR "for lunch" OR "for dinner") OR (("im" OR "i'm" OR "i am" OR "as a") /1 "retired" AND NOT (kids OR children)) AND (snack OR snacking OR snacked OR "nibble" OR "munch on" OR "to eat" OR "to drink" OR "to sip" OR (("eat" OR "eating" OR "ate" OR "drink" OR "sip" OR "sipping on" OR crave OR craving "to have" OR "having") AND ("before dinner" OR "before lunch" OR "after lunch" OR "between lunch" OR "between breakfast" OR "before breakfast" OR "after breakfast" OR "between meals" OR "inbetween meals" OR "small meals"))) AND NOT (alcohol OR liquor OR beer OR wine OR vodka OR tequila OR whiskey OR whisky OR rum OR gin OR soda OR coke OR pepsi OR "soft drink" OR "fizzy drink" OR "a pop" OR "carbonated" OR seltzer OR cocktail OR "for breakfast" OR "for lunch" OR "for dinner") OR ("60 y/o" OR "61 y/o" OR "62 y/o" OR "63 y/o" OR "64 y/o" OR "65 y/o" OR "66 y/o" OR "67 y/o" OR "68 y/o" OR "69 y/o" OR "70 y/o" OR "71 y/o" OR "72 y/o" OR "73 y/o" OR "74 y/o" OR "75 y/o" OR "76 y/o" OR "77 y/o" OR "78 y/o" OR "79 y/o" OR "80 y/o" OR "81 y/o" OR "82 y/o" OR "83 y/o" OR "84 y/o" OR "85 y/o" OR "86 y/o" OR "87 y/o" OR "88 y/o" OR "89 y/o" OR "90 y/o" OR "91 y/o" OR "92 y/o" OR "93 y/o" OR "94 y/o" OR "95 y/o" OR "96 y/o" OR "97 y/o" OR "98 y/o" OR "99 y/o" OR "60 years old" OR "61 years old" OR "62 years old" OR "63 years old" OR "64 years old" OR "65 years old" OR "66 years old" OR "67 years old" OR "68 years old" OR "69 years old" OR "70 years old" OR "71 years old" OR "72 years old" OR "73 years old" OR "74 years old" OR "75 years old" OR "76 years old" OR "77 years old" OR "78 years old" OR "79 years old" OR "80 years old" OR "81 years old" OR "82 years old" OR "83 years old" OR "84 years old" OR "85 years old" OR "86 years old" OR "87 years old" OR "88 years old" OR "89 years old" OR "90 years old" OR "91 years old" OR "92 years old" OR "93 years old" OR "94 years old" OR "95 years old" OR "96 years old" OR "97 years old" OR "98 years old" OR "99 years old") AND (snack OR snacking OR snacked OR "nibble" OR "munch on" OR "to eat" OR "to drink" OR "to sip" OR (("eat" OR "eating" OR "ate" OR "drink" OR "sip" OR "sipping on" OR crave OR craving "to have" OR "having") AND ("before dinner" OR "before lunch" OR "after lunch" OR "between lunch" OR "between breakfast" OR "before breakfast" OR "after breakfast" OR "between meals" OR "inbetween meals" OR "small meals"))) AND NOT (alcohol OR liquor OR beer OR wine OR vodka OR tequila OR whiskey OR whisky OR rum OR gin OR soda OR coke OR pepsi OR "soft drink" OR "fizzy drink" OR "a pop" OR "carbonated" OR seltzer OR cocktail OR "for breakfast" OR "for lunch" OR "for dinner")) AND (country:US OR UK) AND NOT (postType:repost OR sourceType:News)
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